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mary magdalene rose journey activation

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Mary Magdalene is the Archetypal Bride of the Eternal Bridegroom, the bride of Christ, the incarnation of love, fertility and wisdom. She is the High Priestess of Isis who is the Divine Feminine Christ light incarnate. She was healer, teacher, sacred priestess, and the Bride of Jesus.


If you find yourself misunderstood, different, an outcast, lonely and separate. You need to restore your relationship with your own sacredness and the sacredness of the life you live. You may feel lost, needing direction in your life. Depression may have ensued. There is difficulty loving yourself unconditionally.


When we connect with Mary Magdalene, she brings with her the power of the golden wisdom Christ Light and purity of Unconditional love through her medicines. You will restored and supported to be fully free to be you, united with your Inner Beloved, initiated into your own Christ Light, and honored as Sacred, restored in the Divine Feminine, and the Sacred Mysteries.

Energy Exchange $ 135.00 plus HST (75 min session)


Goddess Light Body Activations offered in-person and distance.





Goddess Altar Kits are available to purchase, and starting at $100 and up (receive $20 off if you have received a Goddess Light Body Activation at time of session).


To purchase or to learn more about our Goddess Altar Kits- please check out our store here: (COMING SOON...)

Disclaimer: Energy Healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine, but rather to complement and enhance it.  Information within this site is metaphysical in nature and is by no means medical.  Energy Healing should only be used with the understanding that it is not an independent therapy, but one that is a part of a holistic healing approach.

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