Angelic Reiki
Angelic Reiki: $80.00 (60min session)​
Angelic Reiki is the highest Divine Love aspect. It is the absolute joy of working hand in hand with the Angelic Kingdom of Light to bring one of the highest forms of healing to individuals, groups and the planet."
The divine energy of Angelic Reiki, by its very nature, creates balance. It searches out anything within our consciousness - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually - that is out of balance. It therefore goes right to the core of issues and conditions; it also expands consciousness, changing how we see/understand things on many levels - about ourselves, others and our world.
What sets Angelic Reiki healing apart is the pure Divine vibration that is stepped down through the Angelic Kingdom during a treatment to focus powerfully on root causes. Each person responds to the Divine vibration in accordance with their own level of development, and the healing vibration feels noticeably different to that of any other modality.
Angelic Reiki aligns you with your higher self and allows the purest multidimensional angelic healing energies to facilitate balance and promote well-being.
Disclaimer: Energy Healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine, but rather to complement and enhance it. Information within this site is metaphysical in nature and is by no means medical. Energy Healing should only be used with the understanding that it is not an independent therapy, but one that is a part of a holistic healing approach.