Blue Lotus Isis Healing Activation

Goddess Isis is known as the goddess of magic, love, motherhood, mystery, ritual, healing, fertility, death and rebirth.
In the shadow of Isis, the High Priestess clarity and intuitive knowing has been shut away from one's conscious mind. You may well be in a dark night of the soul if you are unable to connect to your gift of intuition, that is always innately yours to have and to know. There is a lack of self trust and a disconnect from your inner self due to some fear of truly accepting all of who you are, both shadow and light.
Together with the guidance of Lady Isis we will transcend the struggle, subconscious victim-mentality and old limiting beliefs, patterns and behaviors that have kept you stuck. We will let go of toxic blocks and emotions. Gently open and release even the most deep-seated energy blocks in the heart to free up your energy to experience LOVE at the highest level. Clear through issues at all levels of the physical body, aura and beyond​. Experience more enduring inner peace, harmony and synchronistic flow in your life
Energy Exchange $ 135.00 plus HST (75 min session )
Goddess Light Body Activations offered in-person and distance.
Goddess Altar Kits are available to purchase, and starting at $100 and up (receive $20 off if you have received a Goddess Light Body Activation at time of session).
To purchase or to learn more about our Goddess Altar Kits- please check out our store here: (COMING SOON...)
Disclaimer: Energy Healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine, but rather to complement and enhance it. Information within this site is metaphysical in nature and is by no means medical. Energy Healing should only be used with the understanding that it is not an independent therapy, but one that is a part of a holistic healing approach.