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Online Offerings - FREE Webinars!

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A Beginners Guide to Altar Creation

Keeping an altar is a most spiritual and self-empowering practice. An altar is an external representation of our inner world. It’s a manifestation of the spiritual core of who we really are. It’s a sacred space, a temple, a place of honour and devotion to our Highest Self and the powers that work with us.  It’s a place where we go to ground, re-centre our energy and connect to Spirit. It brings us back to our divinity and wholeness as a Soul being; reminding us that we are truly just souls encountering a human experience.


In this webinar we will discuss altars as a focus of energy and  how altars can  be created  in a variety of shapes and sizes, from  the most simplistic to the most extravagant.  You will learn how to set up your altar, where to place your altar, what goes on your altar, while honouring the elements and tools for your altar.  Whether spiritual or magical, learning how adopting this ancient tradition can bring so much magick and  healing benefits in your life. 



Date: Tuesday February 16  Time: 7- 8:15pm

Energy Exchange:  FREE

All webinars are held via Zoom

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New Moon- Lunar Wisdom

You are about to embark on a very special journey with the moon and with your own inner magic. Inside this webinar you will learn how to perform a magical new moon ritual.  Explore tools and ways to connect with the New Moon energy and how to manifest your deepest desires and your most precious wishes for love, success and more.  As your knowledge of the Moon grows, so too will your wish to embrace its power. 




Date: Tuesday April 6 Time: 7-8:15pm

Energy Exchange: FREE


All webinars are held via Zoom

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Full Moon- Lunar Wisdom

You are about to embark on a very special journey with the moon and with your own inner magic. Inside this webinar you will learn how to perform a magical Full Moon Ritual.  Explore tools and ways to connect with the Full Moon Energy and how to release energies that no longer serve you and to make room for you to manifest your deepest desires and your most precious wishes for love, success and more.  



Date: Tuesday June 15 Time: 7-8:15pm

Energy Exchange: FREE


All webinars are held via Zoom

Invoking Archangel Michael

Join us for a transformational evening with Archangel Michael. 

Archangel Michael is a guardian and protector for all Lightworkers here on Earth.  Learn how to connect to this powerful spiritual protector.  Discover techniques to invoke his protection. And enjoy a guided meditation to meet Michael.  In this webinar you will make a friend for life - with one of Spirit’s most amazing and generous spiritual messengers.




Date: Tuesday September 7  Time: 7-8:15pm

Energy Exchange: FREE

All online workshops are held via Zoom

Embody Your Divine Femininity

All webinars are held via Zoom

Embrace your Divine Feminine Power and live a life you love. This workshop is to awaken a woman’s awareness of her sacredness. It is dedicated to awakening the power of the Divine Feminine to dissolve past or current suffering, traumas, or difficulties. This workshop is meant to restore the union between feminine creative energy, love, and sacredness. Participants will also learn tools that will help connect you with the true essence of who you are. Learn the concept of self- care and wellness. The foundations of self-care and why it is important to start a practice of self-care. 



Date: Tuesday November 30  Time: 7-8:15pm

Energy Exchange: FREE

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